Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Some recent events/afterthoughts

We had our Kitchenaid coffee pot drop dead on us a lil over a week ago, we called Kitchenaid about it since it was still under warranty. They are sending us out a new one and want us to send the old one back using the same box and the enclosed return shipping label. We had only bought it last August, so we were surprised it went out so fast. The lady also explained we get a new warranty with the new unit.

Our 70 lb baby, gave us up for pizza last night. And she crawled between me and my DBF to cuddle after we had passed out. He froze the rest of the night since she was laying on his part of the blankets. She cries and whines everytime he steps out for anything if he doesn't take her with. I've already told him, she's your dog. She follows him everywhere all day when he is home. I told him I'm not letting her sleep on the bed when the baby gets here, or taking her out every few minutes. I'll be getting up every few hours just to take care of the baby so I am hoping that the weather is good and we've since moved to a place that has a fenced in yard so I can put her outside on the nice days. It's not that I don't like her being in the house, but I don't want to listen to her whine for attention all day when I will be completely exhausted already. And the fresh air won't hurt one bit.

On the plus side, I can eat parmesan again. I had no trouble eating my share of the breadsticks last night. Also, morning sickness seems to be subsiding for sure this time, as long as my sinuses are in check anyway. All the excess phelgm seems to be what grosses out my stomach as of late.

1 comment:

  1. yay Parmesan! LOL Remy sounds adorable! Sorry i didn't comment sooner, been busy cleaning house. So hows the mouse pad coming along? When are you going to post some stitchy pictures for us? hint, hint ^_^


Baby Number Two